I’m here to share my experience, and what I did to achieve Mythical Glory in such a short time. During my short time of playing Mobile Legends, I have met quite a few people that are hard stuck in a certain elo. The most common thing I hear people say is “my teammates suck”.
So, I’m here to give you a guide that hopefully will help you climb. About 7 days ago, I made a post explaining my thoughts of MLBB after reaching Legend IN ONLY A MONTH. Someone said something along the line of “the game gets harder at Mythic”, so I set out to do just that to see what all the fuss was about. But that’s another story for another day -- let’s get into how you as a player can reach Mythic.
The truth might hurt
Now, this is going to sound harsh, but it is the truth. You aren't stuck in Epic because your teammates are holding you back, you're stuck there because that is where you belong. As much as I know you would like to believe your teammates are the reason for your 300 games in Epic V, I can without a doubt say that is not true.
You are there for a reason. The people on your team are of the same skill level as you are and you're no better or worse than them. This is the key to climbing. It took me 3 years to understand this concept when it came to League of Legends. I remember vividly playing 700-1000 games in Bronze and blaming my teammates for why I couldn’t get Silver. Being Diamond now, when I make smurf accounts I breeze through Bronze and can’t fathom how I was possibly stuck here.
The same concept goes for Mobile Legends. The quicker you can accept this fact, the more willing you are to actually learn from your mistakes and ultimately climb. Every time you lose, it’s always your fault. There is always something you could have done to change the outcome of the game. Focus on your mistakes, not the mistakes of others. And you’ll climb in no time.
Prioritizing your focus
Now that we have gotten the correct mindset for climbing out the way, let’s talk about another important tip, objectives. Kills are good and all, but objectives win games. Focus on getting Turtle, taking turrets, and doing Lord. The more that you focus on these things, the more you will start to see all the things that you have been doing wrong.
If you are top and you see that your opponent laner just went mid, you have 3 options -- farm enemy jungle, go help, or focus his turret. Any of these 3 options could be the correct answer. But let’s say you decide to follow the roam and ultimately you and your mid laner both die in the 2v2, now you have to ask your self "what could I have done differently?".
Would it have been better to take turret? Or maybe farm his jungle? Would it have been possible to do both? Because now you spend 20 seconds dead and another 10 going back to lane, while your opponent laner has got a kill mid, taken your jungle and now your turret is also less than half health.
The point of this is to always look at the possible outcomes and react accordingly. The more you ask yourself what could you have done, the faster you will learn. Keep these 2 things in mind and you will climb to Mythic without a doubt. There are more smaller subcategories that can go within these 2 topics. But then I’ll be here writing forever.
Extra tips to note
A couple things worth mentioning. Stop using preset builds. Build according to the enemy team composition. No one game is the same, there are always different variables you have to account for. Also make sure to only play heroes you have 50% win rate on in ranked.
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